Friday 8 May 2015

Do you communicate in an effective way?

                                      Discussions in COMM11003 week 1, Term 1, 2015
                                                 ------Written by JolleyNguyen------

             It is believed that people cannot live without communicating because "communication can be defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning” according to Pearson J and Nelson. Therefore, everyone all knows how to speak to each other, how to share information but to be a good communicator is not easy at all.

             Effective communication is the key to success in relationships, in the workplace and across your lifetime. It is also an important element of success for every organizations, leaders, managers, supervisors, and employees.  An organization whose people communicate effectively experience fewer of misunderstandings that creates friction between people, wastes time, and causes mistakes. Effective communication can be also an advantage for your career. Good communication skills not only  give people an edge in getting the jobs they want but also help them move up the ladder to better paid positions or successful job they have. Moreover, daily issues and problems can be solved readily with the one who communicates well. Dwyer (2009, p. 72) argues the importance of personal and social competence because those people ‘who are personally and socially competent build positive, constructive relationships’

             In this today’s professional world, there are a lot of effective communicators who are successful with their field. For instances, many professors or presenters in Ted Talks are effective communicators because they know how to inspire their motivation, transmit their knowledge and people get easy to listen and understand what they want to say. 

  Figure1 :  Baratunde Thurston speaks as a well communicator in Ted talks.

Source :  May, Kate Torgovnick 2015, Behind-the-scenes gallery: TED2015 comes to a close

            So what do the reasons make they become such a good communicator like that? 
            Indefinitely, they get a special skills when dealing with written and oral presentations. They know how to organize their sayings, their words and they have the awareness of the audience. . For Eunson (2012, p. 456), interpersonal skills include ‘assertiveness, listening, questioning, framing or problem defining, and influencing skills’.

    Pearson, J., & Nelson, P. (2000). An introduction to human communication: understanding and sharing (p. 6). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill

  Dwyer, J 2009, Communication in business: strategies and skills, 4th edn, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest.

   May, Kate Torgovnick 2015, behind-the-scenes gallery: TED2015 comes to a close, viewed 9th 

   Eunson, B 2012, Communicating in the 21st century, John Wiley & Sons, Milton

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